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Meal Calculator

Weight of dog:


Amount I need:

What's my Percentage?
2% if your dog is overweight.
2.5% - 3% to maintain weight.
Feed a higher % if your dog is active or until their ideal weight is reached.
Puppies 2 - 3 % of their estimated ideal adult weight per day Or 6 - 10 % of their current weight per day. qr code

K9Raw™ Menu and Order Form

Use our convenient K9Raw™ Meal Calculator (left margin) to help determine quantities.
The shopping cart is under construction and temporarily out of service
Please send a email with your selections to  
Sorry for the inconvenience as we are making changes to serve you better.

HST # 80226 8607

All our meat is sourced from Human grade Provincial and/or Federal inspected facilities.
Use our convenient K9Raw™ Meal Calculator (left margin) to help determine quantities.

Remember to check out our K9Raw™ Facebook page
for new items and helpful information!